DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is the injection of the follicles taken with the FUE technique, also known as the pen method, into the skin through the Implanter (pen). It provides a painless and advanced transplantation process and a fast recovery process. Thanks to this feature, it is one of the most preferred hair transplantation methods.
The follicles taken with the FUE method are placed inside the pens by our expert team. The doctor injects the follicle into the skin by adjusting the pens' depth, direction, and angle. The needle is automatically withdrawn, and the follicle remains under the skin.
Since the pens are thinner than 1 mm, it is possible to plant at the desired density between the thinned areas and beard and mustache areas without leaving any traces and pits.
You can look more attractive with completely natural-looking eyebrow transplants. In pens, disposable needles of two different sizes are preferred. 0.8 mm needle is used for 1 and 2 grafts; 1 mm needle is used for 2, 3, and 4 grafts.
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